Setup your node
Install pre requis
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt upgrade -y
sudo apt-get install make build-essential gcc git jq chrony -y
Install go
sudo rm -rf /usr/local/go
sudo tar -C /usr/local -xzf go1.19.1.linux-amd64.tar.gz
rm go1.19.1.linux-amd64.tar.gz
Setting up go
export GOROOT=/usr/local/go
export GOPATH=$HOME/go
export GO111MODULE=on
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin:$HOME/go/bin
Install Node
Install the dYdX-node
binary by running the following commands
#from $HOME dir
export BINARY_VERSION="v0.0.1-rc1"
git clone
cd networks
git checkout main
git pull origin main
ls dydx-testnet-1/binaries/$BINARY_VERSION
Choose the binary for the corresponding platform, and set up in $PATH (using linux-amd64 as example):
export DYDX_PLATFORM= "dydxprotocold-v0.0.1-rc1-linux-amd64.tar.gz"
tar -xvzf dydx-testnet-1/binaries/$BINARY_VERSION/dydxprotocold-$BINARY_VERSION-$DYDX_PLATFORM.tar.gz
mkdir -p "$HOME/local/bin"
export PATH="$HOME/local/bin:$PATH"
cp build/dydxprotocold-$BINARY_VERSION-$DYDX_PLATFORM "$HOME/local/bin/dydxprotocold"
rm -R build
To confirm that the node is well installed
dydxprotocold version --long
#commit: cc46ed065bade19e6ffa68a9d9e560c5dff4b4a1 #cosmos_sdk_version: v0.47.1 #go: go version go1.19.1 #name: dydxprotocol #server_name: dydxprotocold #version: 0.0.1-rc1
Setting up the Node
Save your Chain ID in dydxprotocold config
Save the testnet chain-id
. This will make it so you do not have to manually pass in the chain-id flag for every CLI command.
dydxprotocold config chain-id dydx-testnet-1
Initialization node
Please choose your MONIKER name and replace it in the next command, it will represent your node
# If you previously worked on a .dydxprotocol home directory, wipe it before proceeding
dydxprotocold init MONIKER_NAME --chain-id dydx-testnet-1
This will generate severals files in ~/.dydxprotocol/config/
- node_key.json
- genesis.json
- priv_validator_key.json
Download and replace the genesis file
rm ~/.dydxprotocol/config/genesis.json
wget -O genesis.json --inet4-only
mv genesis.json ~/.dydxprotocol/config
Node connexion
In order to connect the node you can either use seeds
, lives peers
or address book
- Seeds
- Peers
- Addrbook
Set Seeds
SEEDS = 25dd504d86d82673b9cf94fe78c00714f236c9f8@
sed -i.bak -e "s/^seeds *=.*/seeds = \"$SEEDS\"/" $HOME/.dydxprotocol/config/config.toml
Set Peers
PEERS = 20b4f9207cdc9d0310399f848f057621f7251846@,a3b8d15745b252143dd5f299f7bf9d392dd82139@,39fcf6096ac61f6c8ab2963256c01580764c50fb@,1b32f951facd435d82aea6f1db97ecd57b09c866@
sed -i.bak -e "s/^persistent_peers *=.*/persistent_peers = \"$PEERS\"/" $HOME/.dydxprotocol/config/config.toml
Set Addrbook
Setup service file
Description="dYdX node"
ExecStart=$(which dydxprotocold) start --non-validating-full-node=true
If you'd like to synchronise a node from a snapshot check the snapshot part
Start service file
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl start dydx-testnet.service | journalctl -u dydx-testnet.service -f